Describe linux/gwan g-wan keyvalue store zlib base64 here.

requests post数据时,进行了escape, 所以在http服务器端要unescape才是原数据。

file kv4.c {{{#!highlight c

include "gwan.h" // G-WAN exported functions





typedef struct record_s // this is a user-defined 'record' structure { char *content; u64 tm; } record_t;

int main(int argc, char argv[]) { xbuf_t reply = get_reply(argv); char act="", content="", *tm="";

get_arg("act=", &act, argc, argv);
get_arg("content=", &content, argc, argv);
get_arg("txm=", &tm, argc, argv);

kv_t **vhost_ptr = (kv_t**)get_env(argv, US_VHOST_DATA), //persistent ptr
*forum_store = 0; //convenience pointer (var->m instead of (*var)->m)

if (vhost_ptr && !*vhost_ptr)
    *vhost_ptr = (kv_t*)malloc(sizeof(kv_t));
    kv_init(*vhost_ptr, "users", 1024, 0, 0, 0);
forum_store = *vhost_ptr;

u64 txm = atof(tm);
if ( *act == 'a' )
    xbuf_xcat(reply, "\n\n%s %s %llu<br>\n\n", act, content, txm);
    kv_item item;
    record_t *record ;
    //printf("before unescape:%d\n",strlen(content));
    //char tmp[strlen(content)];
    //printf("content:%s\n", content);

    //base64_decode(tmp, content, strlen(content));

    //printf("content(tmp):%s\n", tmp);
    record = (record_t*)malloc(sizeof(record_t));
    record->content = (char*)strdup(content); //content ,tmp
    record->tm = txm;
    //printf("bin len:%d\n", strlen(record->content));
    item.key = (char *)&record->tm;
    item.klen = sizeof(u64) ;//sizeof(str) - 1; // faster
    item.val = (char*)record;
    item.flags = 0;
    kv_add(forum_store, &item); // add an entry to the name_dat Store index


if ( *act == 'g' )

    record_t *record = (record_t*)kv_get(forum_store, (char *)&txm, sizeof(u64));
            record ? record->content : "not found");


//xbuf_xcat(reply, "<br><b>Count</b>: %d key(s) in KV store<br>",
//            forum_store->nbr_items);

return 200; // return an HTTP code (200:'OK')


}}} python file: {{{#!highlight python

!/usr/bin/env python

-- coding: utf-8 --

import MySQLdb, zlib, requests, os, base64

conn = MySQLdb.connect(host='', user='root', passwd='liuyou', db='base') cur1 =conn.cursor()

cur1.execute("select distinct tm from smi limit 1000000;")

tmp = "".join(os.popen('mysql -h localhost -uroot -pliuyou base --execute="select * from smi limit 10000,10"', 'r').readlines()[1:]) tmp = tmp.replace("\t0\t","\t\t").replace("\t0\t","\t\t").replace("\t0.0000\t","\t\t").replace("0000-00-00 00:00:00","") tmp = zlib.compress(tmp, 9) """ print "\n%s\n" % tmp tmp1 = zlib.compress(tmp, 9) print "\n%s\n" % tmp1 tmp = base64.b64encode(tmp1) print "\n%s\n" % tmp print zlib.decompress(base64.b64decode(tmp))

tmp = zlib.compress(tmp, 9)

tmp = zlib.compress(str(os.popen('mysql -h localhost -uroot -pliuyou base --execute="select * from smi limit 10000,10"', 'r').readlines()[1:]))


while 1:

#row = cur1.fetchone()
#if row is None:
#    break
#print row[0]

for i in xrange(1,100000): print i,len(tmp)"" % i, data={ "content": tmp },timeout=3 , verify=False) }}}

base64.c {{{#!highlight c


char b64string[] = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/";

long base64_encode (to, from, len) char to, from; unsigned int len; { char fromp = from; char top = to; unsigned char cbyte; unsigned char obyte; char end[3];

for (; len >= 3; len -= 3) {
    cbyte = *fromp++;
    *top++ = b64string[(int)(cbyte >> 2)];
    obyte = (cbyte << 4) & 0x30;        /* 0011 0000 */

    cbyte = *fromp++;
    obyte |= (cbyte >> 4);          /* 0000 1111 */
    *top++ = b64string[(int)obyte];
    obyte = (cbyte << 2) & 0x3C;        /* 0011 1100 */

    cbyte = *fromp++;
    obyte |= (cbyte >> 6);          /* 0000 0011 */
    *top++ = b64string[(int)obyte];
    *top++ = b64string[(int)(cbyte & 0x3F)];/* 0011 1111 */

if (len) {
    end[0] = *fromp++;
    if (--len) end[1] = *fromp++; else end[1] = 0;
    end[2] = 0;

    cbyte = end[0];
    *top++ = b64string[(int)(cbyte >> 2)];
    obyte = (cbyte << 4) & 0x30;        /* 0011 0000 */

    cbyte = end[1];
    obyte |= (cbyte >> 4);
    *top++ = b64string[(int)obyte];
    obyte = (cbyte << 2) & 0x3C;        /* 0011 1100 */

    if (len) *top++ = b64string[(int)obyte];
    else *top++ = '=';
    *top++ = '=';
*top = 0;
return top - to;


/ badchar(): check if c is decent; puts either the / / location of c or null into p. /

define badchar(c,p) (!(p = memchr(b64string, c, 64)))

long base64_decode (to, from, len) char to, from; unsigned int len; { char fromp = from; char top = to; char *p; unsigned char cbyte; unsigned char obyte; int padding = 0;

for (; len >= 4; len -= 4) {
    if ((cbyte = *fromp++) == '=') cbyte = 0;
    else {
        if (badchar(cbyte, p)) return -1;
        cbyte = (p - b64string);
    obyte = cbyte << 2;     /* 1111 1100 */

    if ((cbyte = *fromp++) == '=') cbyte = 0;
    else {
        if (badchar(cbyte, p)) return -1;
        cbyte = p - b64string;
    obyte |= cbyte >> 4;        /* 0000 0011 */
    *top++ = obyte;

    obyte = cbyte << 4;     /* 1111 0000 */
    if ((cbyte = *fromp++) == '=') { cbyte = 0; padding++; }
    else {
        padding = 0;
        if (badchar (cbyte, p)) return -1;
        cbyte = p - b64string;
    obyte |= cbyte >> 2;        /* 0000 1111 */
    *top++ = obyte;

    obyte = cbyte << 6;     /* 1100 0000 */
    if ((cbyte = *fromp++) == '=') { cbyte = 0; padding++; }
    else {
        padding = 0;
        if (badchar (cbyte, p)) return -1;
        cbyte = p - b64string;
    obyte |= cbyte;         /* 0011 1111 */
    *top++ = obyte;

*top = 0;
if (len) return -1;
return (top - to) - padding;



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