Describe linux/zeromq install on rhel6.4 with php extension here.

=== zeromq install on rhel 6.4 x64 === {{{ cd /dev/yum.repo.d/ wget yum update yum install zeromq yum install zeromq-devel # for development }}}

=== php zermoq extension === {{{ yum install libxml2-devel

wget tar zxf php-5.5.4.tar.bz2 ./configure pear channel-discover pecl install

cp ./php.ini-development /usr/local/lib/php.ini vi /usr/local/lib/php.ini }}}

add line and save

{{{ }}}

=== php_zeromq_server.php === [[attachment:php_zeromq_server.php]] {{{#!highlight php <?php $context = new ZMQContext(1); // Socket to talk to clients $responder = new ZMQSocket($context, ZMQ::SOCKET_REP); $responder->bind("tcp://*:5555"); while(true) { // Wait for next request from client $request = $responder->recv(); //printf ("Received request: [%s]\n", $request); // Do some 'work' // Send reply back to client $responder->send("World"); } }}}

=== php_zeromq_client.php === [[attachment:php_zeromq_client.php]] {{{#!highlight php <?php //count exec time function time1(){ list($a, $b) = explode(" ", microtime()); return ((float)$a + (float)$b); } $start_time = time1(); $count = 100000; $sucesscount = 0; $context = new ZMQContext(); // Socket to talk to server echo "Connecting to hello world server...\n"; $requester = new ZMQSocket($context, ZMQ::SOCKET_REQ); $requester->connect("tcp://localhost:5555"); for($request_nbr = 0; $request_nbr != $count; $request_nbr++) { //printf ("Sending request %d...\n", $request_nbr); $requester->send("Hello"); $reply = $requester->recv(); if($reply == "World")$sucesscount ++; //printf ("Received reply %d: [%s]\n", $request_nbr, $reply); } echo "\nseconds for send {$count} times 'hello' :" . (time1()- $start_time)."\n sucesscount:{$sucesscount}"; }}}

=== test === {{{ php php_zeromq_client.php & php php_zeromq_client.php & php php_zeromq_client.php & php php_zeromq_client.php & php php_zeromq_client.php & php php_zeromq_client.php & php php_zeromq_client.php & php php_zeromq_client.php & php php_zeromq_client.php & php php_zeromq_client.php & }}}

=== 测试结果 == 单server进程,10客户进程并发,单进程10W次发送接收,用时最快42s,平均20833/s - 23500/s之间 {{{ seconds for send 100000 times 'hello' :42.54803109169 sucesscount:100000 seconds for send 100000 times 'hello' :42.549309015274 sucesscount:100000 seconds for send 100000 times 'hello' :42.571755886078 sucesscount:100000 seconds for send 100000 times 'hello' :42.506102800369 sucesscount:100000 seconds for send 100000 times 'hello' :42.516571998596 sucesscount:100000 seconds for send 100000 times 'hello' :42.603147983551 sucesscount:100000 seconds for send 100000 times 'hello' :42.622861862183 sucesscount:100000 seconds for send 100000 times 'hello' :42.589258909225 sucesscount:100000 seconds for send 100000 times 'hello' :42.608597040176 sucesscount:100000 seconds for send 100000 times 'hello' :42.613350152969

seconds for send 100000 times 'hello' :48.482357025146 sucesscount:100000 seconds for send 100000 times 'hello' :48.780467987061 sucesscount:100000 seconds for send 100000 times 'hello' :48.771656036377 sucesscount:100000 seconds for send 100000 times 'hello' :48.794227838516 sucesscount:100000 seconds for send 100000 times 'hello' :48.816515922546 sucesscount:100000 seconds for send 100000 times 'hello' :48.832470178604 sucesscount:100000 seconds for send 100000 times 'hello' :48.853888034821 sucesscount:100000 seconds for send 100000 times 'hello' :48.85328912735 sucesscount:100000 seconds for send 100000 times 'hello' :48.888187885284 sucesscount:100000 seconds for send 100000 times 'hello' :48.886878013611 sucesscount:100000


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